All the good
without the bad.

  • The first harm-free vape liquid
  • Revolutionary technology, capturing the same taste of any tobacco blend
  • We manufacture the cigarette essence to major tobacco vendors
hero image - smoking all the good without the bad

Imagine the perfect
smoking experience

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We did

We have developed a proprietary technology turning actual tobacco blends into 'liquid smoke' that provides the exact same smoking experience - down to a particular brand - without the bad.

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A revolutionary

Proprietary process & machinery
A revolutionary technology image
A revolutionary technology image
A revolutionary technology image
A revolutionary technology image
A revolutionary technology image
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A revolutionary technology image

1.Tobacco Loader

Using the tobacco mix of known brands

Tobacco Loader
Heating Chamber
Smoke capture
Myst droplets collectionchamber
A revolutionary technology image

2.Heating Chamber

Exact heating control prevents the release of toxins

Tobacco Loader
Heating Chamber
Smoke capture
Myst droplets collectionchamber
A revolutionary technology image

3.Smoke capture

Capturing tobacco essence via our proprietary
Mist Cyclone Vortex mechanism

Tobacco Loader
Heating Chamber
Smoke capture
Myst droplets collectionchamber
A revolutionary technology image

4.Myst droplets collection chamber

Evaporating excess materials resulting in pure smoke-liquid vape essence

Tobacco Loader
Heating Chamber
Smoke capture
Myst droplets collectionchamber
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We sell brand-specific cigarettes liquid essence to the major tobacco players

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Leadership team

Extensive Industry Experience with Proven Track Record

Motti Oderberg

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Mr. Oderberg has served as the CEO of BRH since 2014, leading the company to receive its FDA approval. He is also the founder and owner of Moses Computers and Communications (est. 1998), one of Israel's largest private computer service and supply companies, with nearly 100 employees. He is a director and investor in various medical device companies, including Lyra Medical, the manufacturer of the unique SRS Mesh implant for POP problems (; IWC Pharma, the manufacturer of the FDA approved botanic extract, Woundcare Gel Curasite ( curasite); and Naomi Medical, which develops a solution for fertility issues.

Moshe Fraind

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Mr. Fraind has served as Director of Business Development at the highly successful Shaar Fund for over 12 years. During his work at the Fund, he has helped companies, such as the Israeli aerospace company Rada, recover from crises, and helped startups penetrate international markets.

Ilan Feferberg

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With his vast achievements in developing disruptive technologies, Mr. Feferberg brings ingenuity and resourcefulness to the team at BRH. As manager at Real Aesthetics, he led the development of the company's Bella Contour device, achieving FDA approval and worldwide distribution. A veteran of Israel's elite Intelligence Unit 8200, the equivalent to the US's NSA, Mr. Feferberg's achievements included the design and development of various systems for intelligence gathering, including sophisticated and integrated systems for use by Special Forces. He holds a BA in Engineering and an MBA, both from Tel Aviv University

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Company Overview
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